Applications for Genebank Impacts Fellowship Program close on 23 February 2018
The Crop Trust, through the CGIAR Genebank Platform, is supporting the establishment of a ‘Genebank Impacts Fellowship Program’ (Gen-I) to systematically evaluate the impacts of the international genebanks managed by the CGIAR Centers, including the Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT) of the Pacific Community. These genebanks hold some of the largest and most widely used collections of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA) in the world. The Genebank Platform ensures that they meet international standards, work to improve efficiency, and ensure more effective use within an enabling policy environment.
The Gen-I will provide the evidence base for continued support to genebanks to ensure the availability of options for future plant breeders, scientists, and farmers, in view of increasing food demand from a growing world population in a changing climate.
For more information on the Gen-I Fellowship, including an overview of the fellowship program and application requirements, please see the announcement below.
Deadline for application: 23 February 2018