Forages for the Future Issue 5 is now available
Forages for the Future Issue 5 is now available! This issue focuses on the conservation and utilization of tropical and subtropical forage genetic resources in national institutions of Brazil and Argentina. Implementing the Global Strategy for the Conservation and Utilisation of Tropical and Sub-tropical Forage Genetic Resources (TSTF), means working towards achieving its three main objectives (i) Community building; (ii) Efficient conservation; and (iii) Better utilization.
Also in this issue:
- A tribute to the late Ron Williams;
- Reports on grass research and development of subtropical Argentina and tropical Brazil concerning both native and introduced species;
- A review of the major bottleneck for adoption of the forage legume Arachis pintoi in the Brazilian Amazon;
- A program of documentation, conservation and valorization of native flora in Argentina;
- INTA: the plant genetic resources network of Argentina;
- Experiences on Desmanthus from Australia; and
- A discussion on Napier grass.
Download Issue #5
All past issues can be found by visiting the Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales online journal. To share your forage stories with the global community and/or receive upcoming issues directly to your inbox, please contact Brigitte Maass ( and Bruce Pengelly (